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valid (complaint)
  1. A complaint is valid if it alleges a workplace safety or health hazard that has a reasonable basis in fact and does not represent willful harassment of the employer.
  2. A complaint is invalid if it's too vague or unsubstantiated, if there is a correction to the problem pending based on a previous inspection, if Cal/OSHA doesn't have jurisdiction or if the complaint represents willful harassment of the employer.

variance hearings
Any employer or class of employers, desiring a dispensation from an occupational safety or health standard, regulation or order may file a written application for a variance with the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board. The board conducts hearings after employees or employee representatives are properly notified and given an opportunity to appear at the hearing.

victim of domestic violence

(See Family Code Section 6211)

A 'victim of domestic violence" is any of the following persons against whom the abuse is perpetrated:

  1. A spouse or former spouse.
  2. A cohabitant or former cohabitant.
  3. A person who is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship with the perpetrator of the violence.
  4. A person who has had a child by the perpetrator of the violence.
  5. A child of a party.
  6. Any other person related by consanguinity or affinity within the second degree.

vocational rehabilitation
This benefit assists qualified injured workers in returning to work.