Office locations

Virtual Courtroom

Effective March 3, 2025 all status conferences, mandatory settlement conferences (MSCs), priority conferences, and lien conferences, will move to the CourtCall Video Platform. Resources for DWC’s Virtual Courtrooms may be found online.

At the Division of Workers’ Compensation’s (DWC) 23 district offices plus satellites located around the state, sometimes called WCABs, employers, injured workers and others receive judicial services to assist in the prompt and fair resolution of disputes that sometimes arise from workers' compensation claims. Local district offices are a major part of the workers' compensation court system, where judges make decisions about cases.

Most offices have information and assistance (I&A) officers on staff, who provide a variety of services to injured workers, employers and others. A primary duty of I&A officers is to help injured workers who don't have attorneys navigate the workers’ compensation system. To reach a live DWC representative, call the DWC Information Services Center at 1-800-736-7401 during business hours on weekdays.

Anaheim - AHM Oxnard -OXN San Francisco - SFO
Bakersfield - BAK Pomona - POM San Jose - SJO
Fresno - FRE Redding - RDG San Luis Obispo - SLO
Lodi - LOD Riverside - RIV Santa Ana - ANA
Long Beach - LBO Sacramento - SAC Santa Barbara - SBA
Los Angeles - LAO Salinas - SAL Santa Rosa - SRO
Marina del Rey - MDR San Bernardino - SBR Van Nuys - VNO
Oakland - OAK San Diego - SDO  


February 2025