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face shield
When employees work in locations where there is a risk of receiving eye injuries such as punctures, abrasions, contusions, or burns as a result of contact with flying particles, hazardous substances, projections or light rays, the employer must provide and ensure that employees use protection suitable for the exposure. A face shield can be attached to a helmet to provide more protection than safety glasses alone. In cases in which employees are welding, the lens of the shield must be properly shaded.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
The Fair Labor Standards Act (F.L.S.A.) is a comprehensive federal wage and hour law that is the principal source of federal wage and hour regulation for most employers, covering a myriad of areas including minimum wage, overtime pay requirements and child labor.

findings & award (F&A)
A workers' compensation administrative law judge's finding that an applicant is entitled to disability benefit payments, future medical treatment or both.

findings & order (F&O)
A workers' compensation administrative law judge's decision in which no disability payments or future medical treatment is awarded.

first aid
Any one-time treatment, and any follow-up visit to observe recovery from minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinters, etc. which do not ordinarily require medical care. The one-time treatment and follow-up visit for observation may be provided by a physician or registered professional.

A short burst of light that can be harmful to the eye.

for a definite period of time

If a written contract of employment contains a specific term of employment (at least one month, see Labor Code Section 2922) and is not terminable by either party except for cause, then the contract is one for "a definite period of time." If, on the other hand, either party may, during the term of the contract, terminate the employment simply by giving notice of such intention to the other party, then it is not a written contract for a definite period of time.

formal complaints
A formal complaint alleges a workplace hazard or violation of a state workplace safety and health regulation and is received from an employee, an employee's representative, or an employer of an employee directly involved in an unsafe place of employment.

Any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers' compensation benefits.

full body harness
A full body harness helps prevent the user from reaching a fall hazard. Personal fall arrest systems typically include a full body harness (that secures around various body points) and a connecting lanyard or restraint line.

future medical
Ongoing entitlement to medical treatment for a work related injury.