DWC EAMS and legacy case number lookup


Every Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) legacy case number has a corresponding EAMS case number. If you know either number, you can use this page to look up the corresponding case number.

A legacy case number contains seven digits preceded by the old venue naming convention such as OAK, SDO, BAK, etc. An EAMS case number is a varying number of digits preceded by the new naming convention, which, for purposes of this database, is ADJ.

Use the full case number, such as OAK0123456 or ADJ1234567, to look up the corresponding case number. Don't put a space between the letters and the numbers. The letters are not case sensitive.

Search the database by entering the case number in the appropriate field below. You may also download the complete listing as a zip file (33MB). Additionally, for those with FTP capability, the files are available via FTP to www.dir.ca.gov, anonymous login. Once you have logged onto the FTP site, request the file named DWC-EAMSCaseNumbers.zip

Case number lookup Clear Form

March 2010