How to Find Out What Cal/OSHA Requires
Cal/OSHA has a number of regulations which require training on workplace safety and health.
The specific Cal/OSHA training requirements that apply to your workplace depend on the types of work activities your employees are actually performing. The Cal/OSHA regulations are in Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations (T8CCR). The complete set of Title 8 regulations can be found at:
Cal/OSHA has a list of Safety and Health Training and Instruction Requirements organized by training topics. This list has requirements contained in the Construction Safety Orders (Subchapter 4) and the General Industry Safety Orders (Subchapter 7) of Title 8, Division 1, Chapter 4 (with several references contained in Chapter 3.2).
To get started in determining your training needs, look below at T8CCR 3203 if you are in General Industry or T8CCR 1509 if you are in Construction.
For General Industry T8 CCR Section 3203(a)(7)(A) - (F) states, in part, that "Training and Instruction must be provided":

- "To all new employees"
- "To employees given new job assignments who have not previously been trained"
- "Whenever new substances, processes, procedures or equipment are introduced into the workplace and represent a new hazard"
- "Whenever the employer is made aware of a new or previously unrecognized hazard"
- "To familiarize supervisor with hazards to which employees under their immediate direction and control may be exposed"
For Construction, T8 CCR Section 1509 states, in part that:
- "Every employer shall establish, put into place, and maintain an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program" (in accordance with T8 CCR Section 3203).
- "Supervisory employees shall conduct Toolbox or Tailgate safety meetings, or equivalent, with their crews at least every 10 working days to emphasize safety"
After looking at T8CCR 3203 or T8CCR 1509, next you need to determine which additional Cal/OSHA training requirements apply to your workplace and employees. To find out the training requirements that apply review the Cal/OSHA list of Safety and Health Training and Instruction Requirements.
Finally, as per the relevant Cal/OSHA standards, remember to always document and save your records for any training provided. This documentation should include (but is not limited to):
- Employees names (or other identifier)
- Training dates
- Subject matter covered
- Training providers