Effective Workplace Training eTool

Effective Training Steps

Training Steps

Effective training relates directly to the work being done by employee and provides practical and specific information about hazards and how to perform work safely. In general, effective training:

  • trainingCommunicates information in a language and by methods understandable to all employees
  • Helps establish a relationship with employees to improve trust and communication
  • Is participatory and involves employees by drawing on their own real life experiences
  • Allows group hazard identification and problem solving by means of demonstrations, asking questions, discussing ideas, and providing observations and stories
  • Provides opportunities to demonstrate newly learned safe work practices and the safe use of tools, equipment, and chemicals
  • Provides concrete safety and health changes in how work is set-up and performed
  • Is repeated as often as necessary

Steps In Effective Workplace Training

Identify Topics to Cover
Set Goals and Objectives
Plan the Training and Organize Materials
Conduct the Training
Check for Understanding and Get Feedback