Information about the public information case search function
General information
Search criteria
Search criteria-lien search
Return criteria-lien search
General information
The information on workers’ compensation adjudication cases provided through this search function is public information. This search function provides access to information that helps move cases through the workers’ compensation court system efficiently.
Each person who requests information through this search function is responsible for ensuring the information is not used for purposes other than those allowed by law.
The law requires that people requesting access to public information:
- Identify themselves
- State the reason for making the request
- Not disclose the information to any person who is not entitled to it under Labor Code section 138.7.
The residence addresses of injured workers and Social Security numbers are confidential and are not disclosed by the Division of Workers’ Compensation. No documents are available through this search function. Requests for documents should be made following the guidelines for access to public records.
If the reason for requesting access to this public information is related to pre-employment screening, the requestor must follow the guidelines for access to public records.
The search function only provides information related to cases in the Adjudication Unit (ADJ). The search does not provide information on Disability Evaluation Unit (DEU) cases or Retraining and Return to Work Unit (RRTW or RSU) cases.
Users will be timed out after 15 minutes of inactivity, the system will provide a warning message to allow extending search time or to exit. If a user is timed out, he/she will need to re-enter their information in the requestor information capture page.
This is not a “real time” search. The data is refreshed nightly and is, therefore, one day behind. It is also important to note that data will not be in the system unless it is entered either by external users or staff at DWC district offices.
Search criteria
The following information is returned on a case search:
- Case information:
- Case number
- Date of injury
- Assigned judge
- Archived indicator
- DEU indicator (informational only)
- Injured worker first and last name
- Employer(s)
- Case location (venue)
- Hearing information:
- Next hearing date and time (only provided if a hearing is scheduled in the future)
- Hearing type
- Hearing location
- Hearing judge
- Driver case (if the case is a companion)
- Body part and description of body part
- Active case participants:
- Participant name
- Participant role
- Participant address (address is not provided for injured worker)
- Case events*:
- General description
- Detailed description
- Event date
*Case events are only returned if events have taken place in the case. Not all case events are provided through this search. The events provided were determined through discussions with system users and were chosen because of their significance to the parties. Only case events that have taken place within the last six months are displayed, except for the filing of the application for adjudication of claim and the filing of a closing document.
Full listing of case events returned through this search: versionSearch criteria-lien search
Requestors can search on all liens.
- Minimum search criteria is one of the following: Case Reference Number, Lien Reservation Number or Lien Claimant.
- Search results are set for a default limit of 200, but can be increased up to 1000
- To refine your search, additional search criteria can be added for: injury periods, lien filing date periods, hearing dates and lien fee payment date periods
![Tips Image](../../images/Tips-image.png)
Return criteria-lien search
The following information is returned on a lien search:
- Lien Claimant Name
- EAMS Case Number
- Lien Reservation Number
- Lien Fee Status
- DWC Proceeding Status
March 2024