Claims administrators' offices, representatives' offices, and lien claimants


Download tab-separated files for claims administrators' offices, representatives' offices, or lien claimants

UEBTF/SIBTF office locations
OD legal office locations
Death Without Dependants Unit

Uniform assigned names for claims administrators’ representatives’ offices and lien claimants

Forms filed in the Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS) automatically create new workers’ compensation case files or open existing case files. Part of this automated process involves associating the related parties to their cases. To ensure that parties are properly associated to cases in EAMS, a uniform naming convention was created for claims administrators and representatives by the DWC. Claims administrators are insurance carriers who self-administer claims, third party administrators, and self-insured self-administered employers. Representatives are attorney and non-attorney representatives. Lien claimants are parties, usually service providers, requesting payment of money owed in a workers’ compensation case.

Uniform names for claims administrators’ offices and representatives’ offices are assigned by the DWC.

Anyone filing a form in EAMS—be they an injured worker, a claims administrator, an attorney, a lien claimant or other—must use the uniform assigned name to identify the claims administrator or representative in the case for which they are filing. The other case parties do not currently have uniform assigned names.

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The naming convention

Claims administrators’ offices are assigned a name for each office, not a name for each entity for which claims are administered. To fit within the available space, names have been abbreviated. Law firm names include no more than the first two principals’ last names. Sole practitioners are listed by their first name and then last name, unless they use only their last name as their trade name, or always use their first initial.

Each uniform name in EAMS is a combination of the name of the office and the city in which the office is physically located. Example: ACCELERATED CLAIMS IRVINE

Uniform names have no punctuation or special characters, only capital letters A through Z and spaces. The city is where the office is physically located if known, which may differ from the mailing address, especially for electronic operations.

Address standardization is in accordance with United States Postal Service (USPS) standards.

In the unlikely event there is more than one office with the same name located in the same city, the street name, which typically corresponds to the office’s physical address, is inserted between the name and the city portions of the uniform name. Example: COUNTY COUNSEL FIGUEROA LOS ANGELES and COUNTY COUNSEL TEMPLE LOS ANGELES

If the case of claims’ administrators where there is more than one post office box for a specific location, the P.O. box number is inserted between the name and city to identify the segregation of cases. Example: GALLAGHER BASSETT 254917 SACRAMENTO and GALLAGHER BASSETT 255397 SACRAMENTO

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Using assigned uniform names (UAN) on your forms

A name entered in a claims administrator or representative name field of an EAMS form must exactly match a name on the applicable list of uniform names for EAMS to process the form.

The legal name of the entity responsible for the claim is captured in EAMS in the insurance company fields of EAMS forms, which also have a claims administrator field. On such forms, enter the legal name, and address if known, of the entity responsible for the claim in the insurance company field, and the name of the claims administrator’s office in the claims administrator field. On forms which have only one field labeled either insurance company or claims administrator, enter the uniform name for the claims administrator’s office.

To put it another way, if there are two fields, the insurance company field gets the legal name of the responsible entity and the claims administrator field gets the claims administrator’s office name. If there is only one field, regardless of whether the field is called insurance company or claims administrator, it gets the claims administrator’s office name.

NOTE: When identifying the State Compensation Insurance Fund on forms, use the UAN in both the “insurance carrier” and “claims administrator” fields.

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Using the uniform names database

Click on the links for claims administrators’ officesrepresentatives’ offices or lien claimants to search the database of uniform names for claims administrators’ offices, representatives’ offices and lien claimants. 

Click on these links to download tab-separated files for: claims administrators' offices, representatives’ offices and lien claimants. It is not recommended that these lists be downloaded, printed and distributed because the data is regularly updated as new names are added. However, this tab-separated file can be downloaded and opened in a spreadsheet program for easy manipulation. For example, if you want a copy of the list in alphabetical order you can right click on the link, save it to your desktop (or anywhere on your computer). Then you right-click the text file on your desktop, choose "open with" and select your spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel). Once the data is in a spreadsheet you can sort it into whatever format you choose.

Additionally, for those with FTP capability, the files are available via FTP to, anonymous login. Once you have logged onto the FTP site, request the file named EAMSClaimsAdmins.txt, EAMSReps.txt and lienClaimants.txt.

Please direct any questions regarding the registration or use of uniform names for claims administrators’ offices, representatives’ offices and lien claimants, or the use of the search features or downloading of the uniform names lists, to or call (888) 771-3267 (888-771-EAMS), and select option 4.

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Changing or adding a name to the database

Before EAMS go-live, DWC pre-registered approximately 300 claims administrators’ offices and 1,400 representatives’ offices, accounting for approximately 80 percent of current case volume. Claims administrators’ offices, representatives’ offices and lien claimants which are not pre-registered must promptly register with the DWC Central Registration Unit (CRU) to obtain uniform names to file forms in EAMS.

Additionally, new offices and changes of name, location, mailing address, telephone, e-mail, fax, or preferred method of service must be registered with the CRU. Registration requests are submitted on letterhead with an authorized signature by e-mail to The new assigned name or information will be posted within 10 business days of receipt of the request.

Requests for new office names or name changes must conform to the naming convention.

At this time the CRU is registering only claims administrators’ offices, representatives’ offices and lien claimants . Other types of case participants must notify the district office of changes of name, mailing address, or telephone number. All case participants must also notify all other case participants of any change of name, mailing address, or telephone number.

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Preferred method of service

The preferred method of service a participant designates in EAMS is for service of documents on the participant by DWC. If a participant does not designate a preferred method of service, or if the participant is not being registered by the CRU, DWC will serve that participant by U.S. mail. However, participants may agree among themselves to accept service from each other in a manner other than by U.S. mail.

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UEBTF (Uninsured Employers Benefit Trust Fund) and SIBTF (Subsequent Injuries Benefit Trust Fund) offices are not included in the list of claims administrators' offices because those offices are associated with a case by properly obtaining jurisdiction, not simply by entering their name on an EAMS form. In fact, EAMS will not process forms if those office names are entered in the insurance company or claims administrator fields. However, for ease of reference, the EAMS reference numbers (ERN), names, addresses, and telephone numbers of those offices are as follows. Please use only these when entering UEBTF or SIBTF as a case participant.

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UEBTF/SIBTF locations District office served
UEBTF Los Angeles - ERN 4388708
320 West 4th Street, Suite 690
Los Angeles, CA 90013 2350
(213) 576-7300
Anaheim, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Marina Del Rey, Oxnard, Pomona, Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Santa Ana
UEBTF Oakland - ERN 3984976
1515 Clay Street, Floor 17
Oakland, CA 94612 2404
(510) 286-7067
Bakersfield, Fresno, Lodi, Oakland, Redding, Sacramento, Salinas, San Francisco, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, Santa Rosa, Van Nuys

SIBTF locations District office served
SIBTF Sacramento - ERN 4275613
1750 Howe Avenue, Suite 370
Sacramento, CA 95825-3367
(916) 928-4601
all locations

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OD LEGAL locations

When serving the Office of the Director Legal Unit (OD Legal) as representatives of the Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund (UEBTF), Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) or Death Without Dependents Unit, serve OD Legal at the address below for the offices indicated:

OD Legal locations District office served
OD LEGAL Los Angeles – ERN 4699395
355 S. Grand Ave., Suite 1800
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Anaheim, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marina del Rey, Oxnard, Pomona, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Ana, Van Nuys
OD LEGAL Sacramento – ERN 4564091
160 Promenade Circle, Suite 330
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 928-3184
OD LEGAL Oakland – ERN 4877477
1515 Clay street, Suite 701
Oakland, CA 94612
Bakersfield, Eureka, Fresno, Lodi, Marysville, Oakland, Redding, Salinas, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Rosa

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Death Without Dependents (DWD)

The Death Without Dependents Unit, although technically an "employer," acts only in the capacity of an "other applicant." Currently, they are registered as noted above as a "person" with the role of "other applicant." Please use ONLY this entry when adding them as a case participant and as an applicant on the ADJ Home Page. The OD Legal office listed below handles DWD cases. Be sure to add that OD Legal office as a case participant, and as an applicant on the ADJ Home Page. Their "DOB" is 01/01/1950.

PO BOX 422400
OD LEGAL DWD – ERN 3675085
355 S. Grand Ave., Suite 1800
Los Angeles, CA 90071

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Labor Code § 4708 allows CalPERS to be joined as a party defendant.  We have selected ONE CalPERS EAMS entry to use:  CalPERS SACRAMENTO - ERN – 3646687.  Please use ONLY this entry when adding CalPERS as a case participant and be sure that they are added as a defendant on the ADJ Home Page.

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October 2024