Training Materials, Publications and Forms
Use the materials to support training, education and compliance with the laws and regulations enforced by DIR.
Cal/OSHA (Division of Occupational Safety and Health)
- Cal/OSHA Publications includes training and educational materials, multilingual information on workers’ rights and resources to help employers follow workplace safety and health requirements.
- Heat Illness Prevention training materials are available in multiple languages for download or free print order.
- Wildfire Smoke Protection training materials are available in English and Spanish for download or free print order.
- Cal/OSHA Training Academy offers online courses on workplace safety and health prevention.
Labor Commissioner's Office (Division of Labor Standards Enforcement)
- Publications on labor laws are available based on different industries and working conditions.
- includes brochures and videos from the Labor Commissioner’s Office on the process to file a claim and recover unpaid wages.
- Labor Law and Payroll Tax Seminars are joint sessions with the Employment Development Department (EDD) to help employers with payroll and tax compliance.
Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC)
- DWC Physician Education
- Workers' Compensation Community Education
- DWC Databases, publications, reports and schedules
- Forms from the Division of Workers’ Compensation
Office of Self-Insurance Plans (OSIP)
Business Management Office (BMO)
February 2025