California Voluntary Protection Program

Construction Worker Construction Worker

Cal/OSHA vpp logo


Cal/OSHA promotes safety and health by recognizing employers who have voluntarily managed outstanding safety and health programs.

The California Voluntary Protection Program (Cal/VPP) is designed to recognize employers and their employees who have implemented safety and health programs that effectively prevent and control occupational hazards. These programs go beyond minimal Cal/OSHA standards and provide the best feasible protection at the site.

Management commitment and employee participation are key elements in achieving Cal/VPP recognition. Cal/VPP establishments are considered to be leaders in the field of workplace safety and health.

Successful applicants approved for participation in Cal/VPP receive State and national recognition and are exempt from Cal/OSHA programmed inspections.

Although designed for fixed-site establishments, large construction projects that will be in operation for at least one year may be eligible for Cal/VPP recognition.

Resources on Cal/VPP including the policy and procedures and employer application guidelines:

September 2024