Report a Labor Law Violation

If you have experienced or observed wage theft or other widespread labor law violations affecting a group of workers, please file a report.

Examples of wage theft and other labor law violations include:

How to Report

1. Decide how you want to file your report.

Submit online
You are filing a Report of Labor Law Violation. THIS IS NOT A WAGE CLAIM. If you would like to learn about filing a wage claim, please visit:

   Submit the report in person or by mail

  1. Download and complete the form
  2. Print and sign it
  3. Take or mail it to the Labor Commissioner's office location nearest you
  4. Mail the completed form to the Labor Commissioner’s office that handles investigation for the city/location/community where you performed the work or violation occurred. To locate the office, click here for the alphabetical listing of cities/locations.

2. If you are seeking unpaid wages as well as reporting a labor law violation, you should also file a wage claim.

In California, all workers are protected by labor laws. The Labor Commissioner's Office will not question your immigration status nor report it to other government agencies. There is no need for a social security number or photo identification to file a report of labor law violation.

When to Report

Type of Report   Report Must Be Filed Within
Report based on an oral agreement rightarrow Two years from the date of violation
Report based on a written agreement rightarrow Four years from the date of violation
Report in which a law or regulation creates a liability
(such as a minimum wage or overtime violation)
rightarrow Three years from the date of violation

The Labor Commissioner's Office prioritizes and investigates wage theft and other labor law violations. If selected for investigation, your report will be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible under the law.

Investigation Procedures Overview

March 2025