Contractor Registration


This is to notify interested parties that enforcement of contractor registration requirements as well as the requirement to submit electronic certified payroll records (eCPRs) to the Labor Commissioner using DIR’s online eCPR system is temporarily paused for the period of 12 months, which runs from 6/22/2024 through 6/22/2025.  

Awarding Agencies will not be penalized for hiring unregistered contractors nor need to withhold funds due to a contractor’s inability to register nor provide eCPRs due to system issues.  Additionally, Awarding Bodies and Prime Contractors should not prevent contractors from bidding or working on a Public Works jobs as a result of their inability to register or submit certified payroll due to system issues.

Once the stay of enforcement is lifted, contractors will not be required to retroactively submit eCPRs nor will they be required to retroactively register. 

It is important to note that the requirement to submit eCPRs is separate and distinct from the obligation in Labor Code section 1776 which is unaffected by this notice. 

The Labor Commissioner recommends that awarding bodies and general contractors consider this announcement in the administration of their public works projects. Specifically, where eCPRs may be unavailable during this time, awarding bodies and general contractors should rely on certified payroll records (on forms such as the DIR Form A-1-131) maintained as required by Labor Code section 1776 to ensure continued compliance with all other public works requirements.  

Who Is Eligible to Register?

Contractors must meet the following requirements to register:

  • Have workers' compensation coverage for any employees and only use subcontractors who are registered public works contractors.
  • Have Contractors State License Board license if applicable to trade.
  • Not have any delinquent unpaid wage or penalty assessments owed to any employee or enforcement agency.
  • Not be under federal or state debarment.
  • Not be in prior violation of this registration requirement once it becomes effective. However, for the first violation in a 12-month period, a contractor may still qualify for registration by paying an additional penalty.

Register or Renew

Public works contractors can register or renew for one, two, or three fiscal years (July 1-June 30)
for a fee of $400, $800 or $1,200

If you have not created a new account since May 24, 2024, you must create a new account for your contractor on Public Works Website Services. See this how-to guide for detailed instructions.

Please note: credit card payments can be processed within 24 hours while other forms of payment may delay registration up to eight weeks. See below for consequences of failing to register.   

Contractors can be subject to a penalty in the following cases:

  • First-time registration:  A penalty of $2,000 applies when a contractor is registering for the first time and did any of the following in the past 12 months:
    1.  bid or was awarded a public works project
    2.  worked on a public works project
  • Late renewal (between July 1 and September 30): If a contractor bid on, was awarded, or worked on a public works project after their registration expired:
    1.  a penalty of $400 applies when the lapse in registration is accidental
    2.  a penalty of $2,000 applies when the lapse in registration is not accidental
  • Renewal after September 30 or reactivation:  A penalty of $2,000 applies when a contractor did any of the following in the past 12 months while unregistered:
    1.  bid or was awarded a public works project
    2. worked on a public works project
  • Repeat violations: Contractors who are found to be in violation of the registration requirement twice in 12 months can be disqualified from working in public works for up to 12 months at a time.

To learn more about public works contractor registration, please go to the frequently asked questions. For further help, please contact us.

For more information and to find exact legal definitions and language please see the Public Works Chapter of the California Labor Code.

June 2020