Cal/VPP Questions and Answers

What is Cal/VPP?

It is a certification program designed to recognize employers whose occupational safety and health programs are exemplary and meet specific Cal/VPP guidelines.

Who can apply for Cal/VPP?

Employers who desire recognition for outstanding achievements in the development and implementation of their safety and health program.

What are the requirements?

The 6 elements of Cal/VPP include:

  • Management Commitment
  • Employee Involvement
  • Worksite Analysis
  • Hazard Prevention & Control
  • Health and Safety Training
  • Continual Improvement

The applicant submits documents to support the implementation of Cal/VPP elements with the last 3 years average DART (Days Away From Work, Days of Restricted Work Activity or Job Transfer) and TCIR (Total Case Incident Rates). See Employer Application Guidelines at Both rates must be below 90% of the most recent specific industry average published by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

What is the onsite evaluation?

It is a verification of the effective implementation of Cal/VPP requirements by the applicant.

Note: If an employer has multiple sites, each location will require a separate application. A separate certificate will be awarded for each as this is a site-specific program.

Who does the onsite evaluation?

Designated Safety and Health consultants from the Cal/OSHA VPP office and Special Team Members from Cal/VPP sites.

Who are Special Team Members?

Special Team Members (STM) are qualified candidates from the California VP sites invited to participate as a team member in the Cal/OSHA VPP team onsite evaluations and pre-visit processes. Assistance from STMs enable Cal/VPP team to evaluate more applicants and provides a mutual opportunity to the site and STM for training and sharing programs and ideas for continuous improvement. All STMs are certified by receiving an in-classroom and on-the-job training for a two-year term of service.

How much does it cost?

Cal/VPP services are provided at no cost to the applicant.

What are the advantages?

Employers that achieved VPP status report several advantages including:

  • recognition by peers, State and local governments,
  • increased employee involvement,
  • improved quality of products and productivity of employees,
  • improved partnership with government,
  • reduction in injuries and illnesses, and
  • exemption from routine Cal/OSHA programmed inspections

What is Cal/Reach program?

The Cal/Reach program recognizes participants that have good safety and health management systems but must take additional steps to reach Cal/Star quality. The Cal/VPP team determines that a site has demonstrated the commitment and resources to receive Cal/Reach recognition.

April 2017