Employer Application Guidelines for the California Voluntary Protection Program
To apply for participation in Cal/OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (Cal/VPP), employer applicants should supply the information listed on the following pages on the application format guidelines.
NOTE: Only safety and health material necessary to demonstrate Cal/VPP qualification is required to be included, identified or described and referenced. Much of this information may be already available in your existing safety and health program.
The application will provide the basis for an onsite review. The onsite review will include, but is not necessarily limited to, records review, interviews with relevant parties, and a general assessment of physical safety/health physical conditions.
Cal/VPP is a site-specific program. If more than one site is covered by the application, please give information for each site under separate cover.
Each site covered by the application must meet all requirements of the Cal/VPP program.
Applications withdrawn by the applicant or denied will be returned to the applicant. Once an application is approved, it will be maintained at the Voluntary Protection Program office of the Consultation program, as public file.
Note: Please provide one printed copy and one electronic copy (flash drive) of your application. Applications should be addressed to:
Please email your application to CalVPP@dir.ca.gov and you will receive a confirmation from Cal/VPP office.
December 2018