Cal/OSHA español

The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), better known as Cal/OSHA, protects and improves the health and safety of working men and women in California and the safety of passengers riding on elevators, amusement rides, and tramways – through the following activities:

  • Setting and enforcing standards
  • Providing outreach, education, and assistance
  • Issuing permits, licenses, certifications,
    registrations, and approvals
Cal/OSHA safety engineers at work.
Safe and Sound week. osha/gov/SafeAndSoundWeek

Register now to join us again this year for Safe + Sound Week 2024! Resources for businesses on job hazard analysis will be shared and participation is easy and fun!

Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event held each August that recognizes the successes of workplace health and safety programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America's workers safe. Last year, California had over 340 registered pledges.

Successful safety and health programs can proactively identify and manage workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness. Participating in Safe + Sound Week can help your safety successes.

All organizations looking for an opportunity to recognize their commitment to safety are welcome to participate.

Cal/OSHA Consultation Services

Cal/OSHA provides free safety and health assistance to employers, with the goal of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses. A variety of services are available, such as:

  • On-site visits
  • Partnership programs
  • Telephone support
  • Educational Outreach
  • High Hazard Employer Program
  • Educational materials

Learn more about Consultation Services

Cal/OSHA Regulations

Title 8 Index

The Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board maintains an index to all Cal/OSHA regulations.

Cal/OSHA Alliance Program

Logo for the Cal/OSHA Alliance Program.

The Alliance Program offers interested stakeholders the opportunity to enter into an Alliance agreement with Cal/OSHA to promote workplace safety and health.

Learn more about the Alliance Program.
