Garment worker wage claim / AB 633
Garment workers who are not paid their full wages may files claims under the Garment Worker Protection Act, a law known as AB 633. Under this law, garment workers who are not paid for their work may file claims against the contractor who hired them, as well as the manufacturers whose garments they produced. In some cases, retailers may also be responsible for garment workers’ unpaid wages. Under California law, these manufacturers and retailers are called “guarantors” and must guarantee that garment workers receive their wages.
If you are a Garment worker and want to file a claim, complete the Garment Initial Claim form and mail it or take it to any of the Labor Commissioner’s district office locations. The claim form and accompanying instructions are available in English and Spanish.
File Wage or Garment Claim Online
Our main location and phone number is listed below:
AB 633- Garment Enforcement Unit
320 W. Fourth Street,
Suite 450
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 314-7222
We can assist you in-person or by phone. If you would like dedicated assistance in-person, please call to make an appointment.
Watch a video in English on how the Labor Commissioner’s Office can help you recover your unpaid wages.
Vea un video sobre el proceso del reclamo de salario en español aquí.
Read more about your rights as a garment worker: view, print or download a guide on how to recover your unpaid wages with the Labor Commissioner’s Office. This guide is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
For updates on your wage claim, please email the district office where you filed your claim and include your claim number in the subject line. For general questions, please email
Resources for filing a wage claim
- Videos about the Wage Claim Process
- Contact the Labor Commissioner’s Office/locations
- Minimum Wage in California
- Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders
- Which IWC Order? Classifications
- Information for Subpoena (DLSE 564) (Rev. 1/09)
- Exemptions from the overtime laws
- DIR’s Privacy Policy
September 2021