Occupational safety and health
Division of Occupational Safety and
Health (DOSH)
DOSH protects workers from safety hazards through its Cal/OSHA
program and provides consultative
assistance to employers.
In addition to ensuring safe and healthful working conditions, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) has two major units devoted to conducting inspections to protect the public from safety hazards: The Elevator and Ride and Tramway Units conducts public safety inspections of elevators, amusement rides -- both portable and permanent -- and aerial passenger tramways, or ski lifts. The Pressure Vessel Unit conducts public safety inspections of boilers, air and liquid storage tanks, and other types of pressure vessels.
Cal/OSHA Consultation Services
Provides workplace safety and health assistance to employers and
workers through on-site assistance and special emphasis programs,
and publishes a wide variety of educational materials on workplace
safety and health topics.
Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Board (OSHSB)
OSHSB, a seven-member body appointed by the governor, adopts safety
and health standards, providing the basis for Cal/OSHA enforcement.
Occupational Safety and Health Appeals
Board (Cal/OSH App)
The appeals board is a three-member, quasi-judicial body appointed
by the governor and confirmed by the Senate that handles employer
appeals of citations issued by Cal/OSHA.
Commission on Health and Safety
and Workers' Compensation
CHSWC is a joint labor-management body created by the workers' compensation
reform legislation of 1993 and charged with overseeing the health
and safety and workers' compensation systems in California, and recommending
administrative or legislative modifications to improve their operation.