Asbestos Registration - Frequently Asked Questions
The following are some frequently asked questions and a summary of the initial and annual asbestos registration process for contractors and other employers with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). They are not meant to be a substitute for, or an interpretation of existing legal requirements. For the complete asbestos in construction registration and related administrative requirements, see:
- Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations (8 CCR), Article 2.5 Registration: Asbestos-Related Work (Sections 341.6 through 341.14) and Carcinogen Report of Use Requirements (8 CCR Section 5203).
- Business and Professions Code. Click on Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 11, Sections 7058.5 & 6, 7180-7189.7 and 7028.1.
- What conditions trigger the asbestos registration requirements?
- Asbestos-containing construction materials (ACCM)- The work involves any manufactured construction material which contains more than 1/10th of 1% asbestos by weight. Note: This is a lower threshold than the 1% for ACM used in 8 CCR 1529 asbestos removal practices for Class I-IV work, as defined in section (b) of that code and;
- Asbestos-related work- The activity, by disturbing asbestos-containing construction materials (ACCM), may release asbestos fibers into the air and is not related to its manufacture, the mining or excavation of asbestos-bearing ore or materials and;
- Size of job- The square footage of ACCM involved must equal or exceed 100 sq. ft. at a single worksite. See 8 CCR Section 341.6(e) for the full explanation.
- What are the rules for work involving less than 100 sq. ft. of ACCM?
The employer must send a simple "report of use" to Cal/OSHA. Reports of use are also required for manufacturing and other general industry settings. All other occupational health and safety work rule requirements apply- especially those from 8 CCR Section 1529. For more information about "reports of use" and the database of carcinogen use reports, call 916-574-2993. Also, see 8 CCR Section 5203, the Carcinogen Report of Use Requirements.
- Who must register with Cal/OSHA?
Any contractor or employer (public or private) who engages in asbestos-related work as defined in Labor Code Section 6501.8 involving 100 square feet or more of asbestos-containing material. Note: those solely engaged in asbestos-cement pipe work will be exempted under limited circumstances only if the employer or contractor complies with the training requirements in Section 1529(r)(1).
- Who can bid on asbestos-related work?
As per 7058.6(c) of the Business Professions Code, licensed contractors not certified by the CSLB for asbestos-related work or not registered with the Cal/OSHA Asbestos Contractor Registration Unit may nonetheless bid on a project involving asbestos-related work as long as a contractor with the proper CSLB certification and Cal/OSHA registration actually performs the work.
The CAL/OSHA Asbestos Registration Process
The following describes how to register, what is required to maintain that status, the different type of registration and some special circumstances:
- What is the first step for contractors?
The first step is to contact the Cal/OSHA Asbestos Unit at:
and request an application package. This will provide the applicant with the most specific and complete information needed to complete the application process.
The applicant will also have to contact the Contractor's State License Board (CSLB) to apply for the appropriate license or certification. Contractors that are seeking a DOSH registration for roofing only can obtain an asbestos certification or ASB. Contractors that are seeking an unrestricted DOSH registration must have a C-22 license from CSLB. The C-22 can only be obtained when the contractor is concurrently in the process of receiving their DOSH registration.
Public and private employers performing work on their own property do not need a CSLB license, but do need Cal/OSHA registration.
- What information must employers or contractors provide to obtain a Cal/OSHA asbestos registration?
Before they perform asbestos-related work, employers and other contractors must register with Cal/OSHA. The following includes the primary items that must be documented in your application:
- Certification or license from the CSLB unless a public and private employer operating on their own premises.
- Health Insurance or a trust account of $500 per employee to cover the cost required of medical examinations and monitoring (except for contractors without employees).
- Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage. This applies even if the applicant does not have any employees at the time their application is submitted to the Asbestos Unit.
- Certified Supervisor(s) who has the experience and authority to manage the asbestos removal process and who can act as the OSHA competent person(s).
- Training consisting of Cal/OSHA-approved initial and annual refresher AHERA training courses.
- Supervisors must take a Cal/OSHA approved AHERA Contractor/Supervisor initial course and annual refresher. The initial training is a 5 day course the refreshers are one day courses. Classes are offered in English only.
- Abatement workers must take a Cal/OSHA approved AHERA Workers initial course and annual refreshers. The initial training is a 4 day course and the refreshers are one day courses. Worker classes are available in both English and Spanish.
- Compliance with all applicable asbestos related standards
- Written asbestos removal operating policies and procedures
- List of equipment necessary to perform such work
During the initial review process we check the applicant's documents, evaluate their compliance history, and review their procedures. We may require additional information, explanations or procedure revisions. If the applicant passes the initial review process, we issue certificates of registration. These are valid for one year unless revoked.
- What must registrants do to maintain their asbestos registration?
Registrants must follow Title 8 safety and health regulations as well as all other applicable asbestos related standards. The registrant must also maintain all qualifying conditions, such as worker's compensation and contractor's licensing. Among other important requirements, those who perform asbestos work at temporary worksites must send a notice to the nearest Cal/OSHA Enforcement District Office 24 hours prior to the start of work. Cal/OSHA may conduct inspections of such work. Registrants who are found to violate the law may be cited and fined by a Cal/OSHA compliance officer.
- How does Cal/OSHA evaluate the fitness of registrants to retain their asbestos registration?
Registrants must reapply each year to renew their registration and obtain a new certificate. During the renewal we evaluate their Cal/OSHA compliance history over the past year and other information bearing on their ability to provide a safe and healthful workplace. ACRU may discipline registrants for Cal/OSHA citations and violations of related California Business & Professions Codes or environmental regulations. Where there are minor violations, ACRU may request evidence of preventive measures. In more serious cases, the ACRU may take administrative action. This can result in a probationary status, suspension or a revocation of registration.