DLSE - Talent Agency Cases

Revised: September 2021

TAC No. Date
1971-MP-281 1971-08-18 Warren Entner, Robert Grill, Rick Coonce and Dennis Provisor vs. Joel Maiman
1977-12-01 J. Clark Kearnery vs. Ron Singer
1978-SF MP 40 1978-03-08 Rosemary Rogers vs. Howard Portnoy
1978-SF MP 41 1978-08-22 Frank Beverly, individual and on behalf of "MAZE" vs. Mariano Raymundo, etc., et al.
1978-13 MP-456 1980-01-09 Clerow "Flip" Wilson vs. Michael Bergman (exemplar)
1979-12 MP-475 1980-10-27 Professional Artists Management vs. Roger Peltz
1979-14 Undated Tanya Tucker vs. Far Out Management
1981-04-27 Louis St. Louis, et al. vs. Howard B. Wolf, etc., et al.
1982-01-12 Cathryn Damon vs. Richard Lee Emler dba Richard Lee Emler Enterprises
No. SFMP 71
1980-12-18 Duke McFadden, etc., et al. vs. Arthur Ripp, et al.
No. SFMP 73
1981-05-12 Shandra Sinnamon vs. Gregory McKay, et al.
1981-06-18 Denis Mahan, a/k/a Deney Terrio vs. Kutash Talent Enterprises, Inc.
1981-01-06 Barry Nussbaum vs. The Chickens Company
No. 08116TAC 18-80
1982-01-14 Bo Derek vs. Karen Callan
1982 MP-432
No. 1098 ASC
1982-01-06 Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, as Executor of the  Will of Julius H. Marx, aka Groucho Marx, deceased vs. Erin Fleming, etc., et al.
SF MP 50
1982-01-21 Diana Zimmerman vs. Bette Kaye
1982-01-26 PF Lazor vs. Dennis Mahdik aka Mah Jek Talent Agency
SF MP 92
1982-01-26 PF Lazor vs. Robbyn Esperance aka Entertainment
SF MP 98
1982-02-02 Daniel O'Bannon vs. Joseph Nelson
SF MP 93
1982-02-08 James Peckham aka Jesse Campbell vs. Carl Fair and Sue Fair
SF MP 91
1982-04-06 Mary Jo Mial vs. Stephen R. Crosby
MP 115
1982-04-16 Chaka Khan vs. Otis Smith
SF MP 116
1982-04-19 Mary Margaret Humes vs. Margil Ventures Inc
1982-07-02 International Creative Management,etc. vs. Debbie Reynolds
17 MP-114 1982-08-12 Richard Pryor vs. David McCoy Franklin
1982-48 1983-02-28 Julie Barrette vs. Linda Marie
1982-22 1983-04-18 Bobby D. Womack vs. Otis Smith and Beverly Glen Music
1981-11 / MP108 1983-06-22 Nicholas Schram vs. Lester Kinsey, Jr., et al.
1981-22 1983-06-22 Joel Nice, David Strelz and Mark Larsen vs. Skid Row Studios, Inc.
1981-27 1983-07-25 Ray Kennedy vs. Scott J. Lavin
1983-03 undated Cloutman-Miller Agency, Inc. dba Miller Agency, Talent Agency
1983-05 1983-09-14 Brian Cummins and Scotsmanagement Corporation vs. The Film Consortium
No number 1985-12-02 California Entertainment Commission Report
1986-27 1987-04-14 Angel O'Brien, et al., dba the Mar Dels vs. Luckenbach Productions, Inc.
1985-16 & 22 1988-12-28 Heidi Bohay vs. Breanna Benjamin, an individual, F.C.O. Management, Inc. AND Peter Reckell vs. Breanna Benjamin, an individual, F.C.O. Management, Inc.
1988-36 1990-02-20 Gloria Estefan, Emilio Estefan, et al. vs. Stan Moress & Moress Organization, Inc.
1987-03 1990-02-25 John Sawoski vs. Jeff Enloe Productions
1988-20 1990-04-11 James A. Johnson, Jr. aka Rick James,etc., et al. vs. Strote & Whitehouse, etc., et al.
1989-08 1990-04-23 Denise Crosby vs. Michael Mann Management
1989-23 1990-05-10 David Crane Agency, Inc. vs. Karen Carns
1988-17 1990-05-22 Julian Raymond Casper Malson vs. Garo Tashjian
1989-17 1990-05-26 Dianne Elizabeth Reeves vs. Michael R. Morris and Bettie J. Davie
1989-13 1990-06-19 David Crane Agency, Inc. vs. Lloyd Lindsey Young
1990-07 1991-04-30 Jennifer Meades vs. Best Models San Francisco, Inc., et al.
1987-11 1991-05-16 Courtney E. Campbell vs. Clymer's Modeling & Talent Agency
1990-35 1992-01-02 Terri L. Pompa vs. Abe Hershler, an individual dba Inn Concert Int'l Talent Agency
1990-02-SF 1992-01-30 Joanna Kerns vs. Arlene Dayton
1991-40 1992-02-20 Roseanne Arnold, et al. vs. Triad Artists, Inc.
1990-19 1992-04-24 Arsenio Hall vs. X Management, Inc.
1990-14 1992-05-07 Roseanne Barr, et al. vs. Arlyne Rothberg, et al.
1993-11 1993-08-03 Maureen Rogers vs. Kenneth Vrana et al dba Interface Model Management
1992-23 Undated Flame Music v. Smith
1992-75 1993-11-09 Doug Apatow dba Doug Apatow Agency vs. John Tintori
1992-64 1994-02-11 The David Crane Agency vs. Barbara Beck
1992-52 1994-06-02 Thomas Haden Church vs. Ross Brown
1994-03 1994-07-14 Marlene Cameron vs. Jeff Donaldson dba Pacific Talent and Models
1994-31 1994-07-21 Joshua Bloomberg aka Path vs. Susan Butler dba Krystone Management
1994-43 1994-08-17 Robert Davenport vs. FH Talent Agency, etc., et al.
1993-71 1994-08-29 Francie Schwartz vs. Sherry Ann Robb, dba AFH Management
1993-71 1994-08-29 Sharon La Fleur-Prince vs. Al Fann
1992-78 1994-10-06 Florence G. Joyner vs. Gordon Baskin
1994-18 1994-11-07 Shawn Antione Ivy pka "Domino" vs. Jerome Howard
1994-56 1995-01-17 H. Lee Burton vs. Ruby Edison and Darlene San Pedro dba Prestige Model & Talent Management
1992-66 1995-02-10 Mickey Rooney, aka Joe Yule, Jr. vs. Harold J. Levy
1993-56 1995-02-10 Richard Lee Emler, et al. vs. John Debney
1993-63 1995-02-24 Pamela Denise Anderson vs. Robert D'Avola
1994-59 1995-04-17 Flamenco Society of San Jose vs. Joanne Corbett-Barnes aka Condrin, dba Corbett Arts
1992-31 1995-05-19 Kenneth Hecht vs. William Morris Agency and Bruce Brown
1994-69 1995-08-18 Katya Wieber vs. Prestige Model and Talent Management; Darlene Damalerio-San Pedro
1992-55 1995-09-24 Wendi de Barros vs. Jim Darlowe, Sai Talent
1995-07 1995-09-28 Alfred Monacella vs. International Creative Management
1995-01 1995-12-05 John Sebastian vs. Geoffrey Blumenauer, individually, dba Geoffrey Blumenauer Artists
1995-08 1996-03-12 Randy & Cheryl Lane vs. Avalon Models
1995-15 1996-03-20 Carole Bennett, an individual dba The Bennett Agency vs. Dorothy M. Dartland
1995-32 (1) 1996-04-08 American First Run et al vs. Omni Entertainment Group et al
1995-44 1996-05-17 William Jenner vs. George Wallach
1994-65 1996-05-28 Kelly Garner vs. Gillaroos, David Delorenzo, David Gillaroos, Chris Woods
1993-27 1996-06-20 Richard Lee Emler, et al. vs. Estate of Richard Markowitz; and cross-petition
1995-18 1996-07-18 James Breuer vs. Top Draw Entertainment, Inc.; Antonio U. Camacho
1995-14 1996-07-31 James Hall vs. Sherry Robb dba Andres & Robb & AFH
1994-08 1996-08-06 George Duke vs. William Morris Agency, Inc., a New York corporation
1996-04 1996-08-16 Mari Smith Presents Inc. vs. Ed Smith dba Gold Plating Co.
1996-05 1996-08-16 Mari Smith Presents Inc. vs. Jessica Lee dba The Jewel Box
1995-45 1996-08-23 John Cliff Boydston vs. Gary Storm, an individual dba Black Lotus Talent Agency
1995-32 (2) 1996-08-30 American First Run et al vs. Omni Entertainment Group et al
1995-48 1996-09-27 Helen Caro vs. Ivan Adkinson dba Adkinson Model Management
1996-10 1996-10-01 Helen Caro, GAL for Ivy Caro vs. Ivan Adkinson dba Adkinson Model Management
1996-11-13 Heather Sutherland Wilson vs. Erik J. Rhulen and Sirens Model Management AND Lora-Lyn Peterson vs. Erik J. Rhulen and Sirens Model Management
1991-14 1996-11-18 Lara Pole p/k/a/ Lara Piper vs. Simone Sheffield, an individual
1992-04 1996-11-18 Jack Carter vs. Ira Okun and Ira Okun Enterprises
1992-77 1996-12-13 Dario Cernile, et al. vs. D.B. Management aka Dean-Billes Management
1995-40 1996-12-19 Innovative Artists vs. Roy H. Wagner
1996-12 1996-12-27 Anita Baker Bridgforth vs. BNB Associates, Ltd. Sherwin Bash
1993-08 1997-03-20 Nick Sevano vs. Artistic Productions, Inc.
1996-17 1997-03-26 Kelleth Chinn and Caroline Wampole vs. George Tobin
1997-07 1997-05-14 Lydia Zaki v. Judith DeLong, an individual dba Select Models and Talent
1996-37 1997-05-28 Mark A. Brown vs. The Conrad Shadlen Corporation
1996-21 1997-06-25 Michele Edith Martin pka Wright vs. Gilbert A. Cabot, individually and dba REO Broadcasting, etc.
1996-26 1997-07-17 Mary Kohler vs. American Talent Network
1997-13 1997-07-23 Azam Hussain, as GAL for Caitlin Leedle v. Ivan Adkison aka Ivon, individual dba Adkison Model Management
1997-17 1997-07-23 Alan Cherrigan v. Queue, The Agency, a partnership, Kellie Marie Castillo, Eva I. Blasczyk
1996-31 1997-07-29 Tamera L. Mordwinow vs. Mary Rejes Valencia, an individual dba The Modeling Connection
1997-14 1997-08-22 Shawn Asselin vs. Andy Anderson
1997-25 1997-08-22 Heidi Kortenbach vs. Charlie Rairdoni
1996-16 1997-08-25 World Class Sports vs. Paul Foxson
1996-11 1997-09-15 Eli Azizi, GAL for Rahi Azizi, minor vs. T.J. Stein, individual dba Academy Kids Management
1996-18 1997-11-10 Michele Hoang vs. Durkin Artists Agency
1994-60 1998-01-15 Dina Padilla vs. Penny Clymer
1997-09 1998-01-20 Camillo Wong Moreno, Stephen Carpenter et al vs. Dave Park
1996-36 1998-04-27 Wesley Snipes vs. Dolores Robinson Entertainment
1997-43 1998-07-30 Howard Rose vs. William Reilly
1998-04 1998-07-31 Amy Hsiao vs. Jason Otto dba Otto Model Management
1996-25 1998-08-20 Timothy L Kern and Pamela Kern vs. Entertainers Direct, Inc. et al
1998-08 1998-09-28 Cathleen Branich, GAL, et al. vs. John Hutcheson and Kristen Usich, etc., et al.
1997-60 1998-10-23 Marcos Ferraez vs. David Pringle
1998-16 1998-10-29 Gina Nowakowski s. Andy Anderson dba The Anderson Agency
1998-10 1998-11-17 Noelle Forbes vs. Femme Fatal, Inc.
1998-18 1998-12-07 David Bonsukan vs. Christian Alexander Models
1998-02 1999-01-19 Gary Myrick vs. David Weaver
1998-20 1999-04-12 Kathryn & Stacy Curry vs. Barbizon Modeling Agency
1998-12 1999-04-22 Steve  Vieira dba SJV Management vs. George Alvarez
1999-04 1999-07-09 Deborah Tinsley vs. Mitchell Agency, Inc.
1998-19 1999-07-19 David Bonsukan vs. Richard Poirer & Associates
1997-50 1999-07-27 Calvin Broadus vs. Sharitha Knight dba Knightlife Management, Inc.
1997-55 1999-08-26 Renan Almendarez vs. Unico Talent Management, Inc.
1999-01 1999-10-05 Harry L Hartman vs. Integrity Casting, California
1998-24 1999-11-03 Burt Bluestein vs. Production Arts Management et al
1996-32 1999-11-10 James Manera vs. Peter Stamelman, an individual and The Stamelman Group, a corporation
1999-07 1999-12-27 Hyperion Animation Co. Inc. vs. Toltec Artists, Inc.
1999-13 2000-01-10 Joseph Nipote & Port Salvo Production vs. Howard Lapides, et al.
1999-24 2000-01-28 A.C. Watson and Clarang, Inc. vs. Richard Glasser, et al.
1999-19 2000-02-18 Charles Lenhoff dba Lenhoff & Lenhoff vs. Richard Hissong
1999-20 2000-03-15 Charles Lenhoff dba Peter Svatek dba Blue Rider Pictures
1998-30 2000-04-05 Susan Milano vs. Soundstage Studios
1998-25 2000-04-20 Tom Chasin vs. Chris Beard
1999-26 2000-05-31 Creative Artists Entertainment Group vs. Jennifer O'Dell
1999-17 2000-07-17 Cher; Eye of Horus Production, Inc. et al. vs. Bill Sammeth
1999-33 2000-10-11 Hilario Miravalles vs. Artists, Inc.
1999-31 2001-01-18 Artimus Lamont Bentley and Uprise Inc. etc. vs. Chris Spencer, etc. et al.
2000-11 2001-01-30 Nicholas Scott Cannon and Beth Gardner vs. Samir Y. Toma
2000-33 2001-02-15 Joy Jones vs. Troy McVey-Sollarek & Mitchell Agency Inc.
2000-13 2001-02-27 Victoria Strouse vs. Corner of the Sky, Inc.
2000-20 2001-03-07 Tenth House, Inc. vs. Monte Hallis
1999-08 2001-03-20 Laila Ali vs. Normalynn Cutler dba Cutler Enterprises
2000-19 2001-04-18 Tenth House, Inc. vs. Julie Bennett
1999-22 2001-04-26 Dwight Bryan and Jennifer Bryan, etc. vs. LAX Corporation
2000-18 2001-07-13 Natalie Hinds pka Macy Gray vs. Lori Leve dba Lori Leve Management
2000-04 2001-07-25 Tommy Lister vs. Tamara Holzman dba Hozman Management
2000-21 2001-08-16 Jason Behr vs. Marv Dauer & Associates and Marv Dauer
1999-02 2001-08-30 Jewel Kilcher vs. Inga Vainshtein dba Cold War Management
2000-32 2001-09-05 Kevin Beyeler vs. William Morris Agency, Inc.
2000-22 2001-09-26 Alicia Woods vs. Colors Model & Talent Agency
2000-30 2001-10-03 Danny Nixon vs. Mo Swang Production, Inc., JSJ Production, Inc. et al
2001-02 2001-10-04 Charles Pope, et al. vs. Mitchell Agency, Inc., et al.
2000-09 2001-10-11 Nickolas Carter, et al. vs. Donna Wright, et al.
2000-26 2001-10-11 Sean Hayes vs. Vanguard Talent Management
2000-17 2001-11-08 Angela Wells vs. Barmas, Inc. dba Fred Segal Agency
2001-03 2001-12-17 Keith Brock vs. Marion and Karen Tambellini dba Entertainment Consultants
2001-08 2002-01-10 Elise Shirley vs. Artists' Management West and Gina Glatis
1999-27 2002-01-14 B.J. Thomas vs. Paul Michael Goldstein dba Goldwest
2002-05 2002-01-19 Shapiro-Lichtman, Inc. vs. Caroline Marx
2000-28 2002-01-22 Baron Rogers vs. Art Minds; Art Minds vs. Baron Rogers
2000-37 2002-01-24 Teresa Day vs. Models, Incorporated aka Models Inc., an Ohio corporation
2001-20 2002-02-20 Stacey Herman vs. Models International
2000-27 2002-03-11 Billy Blanks; BG Star Productions, Inc. vs. Jeffrey Greenfield
2000-29 2002-03-21 Martha Robi vs. Howard B. Wolf
2001-06 2002-04-23 Lenhoff & Lenhoff vs. George Grieve
2001-35 2002-06-05 Tool Dissectional LLC, et al. vs. Robert Ted Gardner dba Larrikin Management
2002-16 2002-09-26 Morello vs. Next Management
2002-23 2002-09-26 Matthew Barrera vs. Options Talent
2002-14 2002-09-27 Jim Ellis vs. Jonathan Elliot
2001-17 2002-10-02 James Cubinar, Bonnie Landy, GAL, etc. vs. Mitchell Agency, Inc., et al.
2002-25 2002-10-21 Reginald Green vs. On Track Modeling
2002-02 2002-11-04 Johnna Xavier, et al. vs. Mitchell Agency, Inc.
2002-34 2002-12-23 Amanda Tom vs. Options Talent
2001-21 2003-01-03 Rivers Cuomo et al, known as "Weezer" vs. Atlas/Third Rail Management, Inc., et al
2002-07 2003-01-03 Heather Stone, individual, on behalf of Parker McKenna Posey, minor vs. Lita Richardson, individual dba L. Richardson Entertainment
2001-23 2003-01-22 Nolan North vs. SJV Management, et al.
2002-04 2003-01-22 Edgar Francisco Jimenez Garcia vs. Piedad Bonilla, an individual dba Pinata Productions and Management
2002-11 2003-01-22 Hernan De Beky vs. Piedad Bonilla, individual dba Pinata Productions
2002-35 2003-02-26 Joyce Saleh, GAL for Ashford Kneitel, minor vs. Alberta Sellers, et al.
2002-41 2003-02-26 Lisa Centeno vs. CMT Talent Agency, aka Colours Model & Talent Agency
2002-02-6 2003-07-21 Toma Holverson vs. Mitchell Agency Inc.
2002-02-7 2003-09-18 Alexa Williams vs. Mitchell Agency Inc.
2003-09-18 Brandon Jacobsen vs. Mitchell Agency Inc.
2003-09 2003-09-22 Vanesa Pechi vs. CMT Talent Agency, formerly Colours Model & Talent
2003-04 2003-09-24 Lindsey Higginbotham vs. CMT Talent Agency, Colours Model, etc., et al.
2003-10 2003-09-24 Susan Odom, GAL for Haley Arthur Shinn vs. CMT Talent Agency
2001-33 2003-09-29 Norton Styne vs. Connie Stevens, et al.
2003-12 2003-10-10 Ismael "Izzy" Diaz vs. Phillip Johnson, aka Philip; CMT Talent Agency, et al.
2002-20 2003-12-03 Ethan Rieff, Cyrus Voris vs. Steven Freedman, etc.
2002-02-8 2003-12-29 Emily Weston vs. Mitchell Agency Inc.
2003-02 2004-01-14 Nia Vardalos vs. Richard Siegel, Marathon Entertainment, Inc.
2002-33 2004-01-30 Reginald Hayes vs. Marathon Entertainment, Inc., Rick Siegel, etc.
2003-15 2004-01-30 Rosa Blasi, Maple Street Productions, Inc. vs. Marathon Entertainment, Inc., et al.
2003-38 2004-02-13 Paradigm Talent & Literary Agency vs. Richard "Cheech" Marin
2003-16 2004-02-19 Steve Howey vs. Candy Entertainment
2002-26 2004-03-08 Malaika Paul vs. Colours Model & Talent Management, et al.
2003-01 2004-03-08 Sarah Roberts, aka Morgan vs. CMT Talent Agency, dba CMT, etc., et al.
2003-40 2004-04-09 Fanny Gamble, GAL for Michell Gamble, minor vs. Soma Management, Inc.
2002-43 2004-04-29 NSPSY Recording Partners vs. Scott Jeffrey Weiss dba Highwatt Management
2003-24 2004-06-11 David Shaughnessy, DNA Enterprises, Inc. vs. Artists Agency, Inc.
2002-24 2004-07-19 Phillip B. Gittelman vs. Daryl Karolat, aka Tyler Mane
2003-08 2004-07-27 Gavin Dell and Ronni Dell vs. Natural Talent, Inc.
2003-48 2004-07-30 The Ataris vs. Laura Murphy dba Murphy Management
2004-08-18 Natural Talent, Inc. vs. Gavin Dell and Ronni Dell;
2003-43 2004-08-23 Suzanne Gutierrez, GAL for minors, Emilio Fassett and Jack Fassett vs. Lisa Marie Santillan
2001-25 2004-09-02 Ray Charles Leonard pka Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Seth Ersoff
2003-32 2004-11-03 Joel & Tressa Reyes, GAL for Sierra Reyes, minor vs. Blake Ari Models, et al.
2003-11 2004-12-08 Andrey Masharipov vs. Face National Models & Talent LLC
2004-02 2005-03-10 Karina Lombard vs. Gregg Edwards
2003-19 2005-04-01 Richell Wright vs. Gilbert Cabot
2004-15 2005-05-11 Halpern and Assoc vs. Anthony Russell
2003-47 2005-06-10 Giovanni Marradi and Newcastle Entertainment, Inc. vs. Michael Maresch
2005-04 2005-06-21 Michael Ealy vs. Vic Ramos & Ramos Entertainment
2004-23 2005-07-01 Ray Leonard vs. Bjorn Rebney
2003-50 2005-07-07 Aaron M. Beyer v. Colours Model/Talent aka Crew, Management dba CMT
2005-08 2005-07-19 Marilyn Dillard vs. Dirk A. Davis
2004-27 2005-07-22 Maureen McDonald, pka Mozella vs. Peter Torres, individually and dba Peter Torres Management
2005-09 2005-08-02 Elisha Cuthbert vs. William Mercer & Rozen-Mercer Management LLC
2004-08 2005-08-16 Wondergoat Records vs. Christi Crowe
2004-03 2005-08-22 Ernesto Bautista v. Vivian Romero, individually and dba Diamond Heart Music
2005-20 2005-08-31 Paradigm Talent & Literary Agency vs. Richard Schiff
2003-41 2005-10-28 Annie Danielewski, professionally known as Poe vs. Agon Investment Company, successor in interest to Agon Investment Partners, LP; and Robert Edsel
2003-27 2005-11-03 Jan Emerson Bixby v. Carlo Capomazza, individual Capocom Entertainment, a corporation
2003-42 2005-11-07 Ange S. Massey, GAL for Kyle Massey, minor vs. Judy Landis, dba Judy Landis Personal Mgmt
2005-28 2005-11-08 Alex Ferrer vs. Arnold Preston (order by hearing officer re motion to compel arbitration)
2005-26 2005-11-14 Cameron Richardson vs. Warning Model Management
2003-33 2005-11-16 Freddie Prinze Jr. vs. Ric Beddingfield and The Ric Beddingfield Company, Inc.
2004-06 2005-11-16 Clifton Britt vs. Harry Weiss
2005-11-16 Tasara Entertainment, Inc., Christopher Tasara vs. Atchity Entertainment, Inc., Ken Atchity
2005-03 2005-11-16 Marta Greenwald vs. Jennifer Chiba
2003-21 2005-11-20 Jeremy Soule aka Artistry Entertainment vs. Robert E. Rice, dba Four Bars
2004-26 2005-11-20 Carrie A. Zanoline vs. Look Model Agency
2005-14 2005-11-22 Lauel Suess, as guardian ad litem Martina Suess, a minor vs. Penelope Lippincott, an individual dba Finesse Model management aka Finesse Models
2005-16 2005-11-22 Leonor F. Tiongson vs. Penelope Lippencott, an individual dba Finesse Model Management aka Finesse Models
2005-18 2005-11-22 Virginia Mylenki vs. Penelope Lippencott, an individual dba Finesse Model Management aka Finesse Models
2004-42 2005-12-07 Natural Talent, Inc. v. Tuvin "TJ" House
2005-28 2005-12-07 Alex Ferrer vs. Arnold Preston (order by Los Angeles Superior Court granting motion to stay arbitration)
2003-14 2005-12-30 Mike Lane vs. David Seals aka Belladonna Management
2004-35 2005-12-30 Jamie Jones, an individual; Delouis Kennedy, an individual; Tony Borowiak, an individual; and Alfred Nevarez, an individual vs. The La Roda Group, Barrett La Roda and Harold Haraman
2001-31 2006-02-03 Aisha Tyler, an individual, vs. Laugh Factory Management, a business entity of unknown form, and Jamie Masada, an individual
2005-27 2006-02-28 J.K.A. Talent and Literary Agency, Inc. vs. Sheila Rivera aka Shayla
2004-25 2006-04-03 Verne Troyer vs. Jon Simanton, et al.
2003-17 2006-04-25 Michael Raymond James, an individual vs. Thompson Management, an unincorporated association
2005-38 2006-07-11 Nathaniel Stroman (pka Earthquake) vs. NW Entertainment, Inc., dba New Wave Entertainment as successor in interest to Barry Katz Management, Inc.
2005-46 2006-10-30 The Stein Agency vs. James Tripp-Haith, an individual
2004-43 2006-11-07 Golden Brooks, an individual vs. Rick Ax, an individual and dba Rick Ax Management, a sole proprietorship; Lori Coats, an individual
2005-22 2006-12-31 Lenhoff Enterprises, Inc. dba Lenhoff & Lenhoff vs. Anthony Palmieri, an individual, and EXP Productions, Inc. a California corporation
03744 2007-01-14 Britney Spears vs Laurence Rudolph
2006-10 2007-01-19 Brandon Flowers vs From the Future (order on motion to dismiss)
2005-45 2007-01-22 Chris Lord Alge vs Moi-Marie Entertainment (summary judgment)
2005-45 2008-06-03 Chris Lord Alge vs Moi-Marie Entertainment (determination)
2005-49 2007-01-31 Daniel Rodriguez and D&G Music vs. Patty Ann Nichols
2005-39 2007-02-06 Benjamin Patterson vs. Black Orchid Entertainment, James Ward
2005-40 2007-03-06 Nancy Sweeney, on behalf of Connor Sweeney and Erlin Sweeney, Minors. Vs. Penelope Lippincott dba Finesse Model Management
2006-13 2007-04-09 Leslie Redden vs. Candy Ford Group
2006-18 2007-04-27 Agency For The Performing Arts, Inc. v. Shawnee Smith and Red Headed Woman, Inc.
2006-14 2007-05-04 Catherine Barker, an individual vs. Le Paws
2003-36 2007-06-29 William Webb vs. Robert Lewis Rosen and Robert Lewis Rosen Associates, Ltd.
2005-19 2007-07-30 Raymond Cham, an individual; and Last Man Standing, Inc., a California corporation vs. Spencer/Cowings Entertainment, LLC, a California corporation; Demetrius Spencer, an individual; and Everett Cowings, an individual
2005-10 2007-08-06 The Endeavor Agency LLC v. Alyssa Milano, AJM Productions, Inc.
2006-22 2007-08-20 Ruut Demeo v. Randy Spencer, individually and dba Pitch Music
2005-53 2007-08-27 Daniel Browning Smith vs. Chuck Harris aka Oaky Miller, an individual; and Visual Arts Group, an entity of unknown form
2006-21 2007-09-04 Nicollette Sheridan, Starlike Enterprises, Inc. v. Yoches,Inc. dba Bayonee Entertainment, Rob Lee, individual
2006-38 2007-09-13 Ryan Albert Hansen vs. Robin Brooks Bufanda d/b/a Robin Brooks Talent Management
2005-06 2007-09-27 William Morris Agency, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company vs. Dan O'Shannon, an individual, Atomic Television, Inc., a purported corporation
4184 2008-03-19 Irene Su, GAL for Katrina Hung, minor vs. Allure Model & Talent, et al.
2300 2008-03-21 Cissy Szeto-Wong, GAL for Faith Wong, minor v. Unique Artists, Karen Swell, Kare'N Management
2007-08 2008-03-21 Marie Brookes, GAL for Isaiah Brookes, minor vs.  Unique Artists, et al.
2005-45 2008-06-03 Chris Lord Alge vs Moi-Marie Entertainment (determination)
5243 2008-07-24 Lydia Wharton by Michael Wharton vs. Karen Sewell AKA Kare N' Management
4485 2008-08-19 Gary Ciccati, Jill Winterbottom Demko, Roberto Ezzevalli, Walter Lee, Kaz Mayeda, Duff Moses, William Perry, and Jerry Vivit v. Craig Kokesh, an individual
4699 2008-09-09 Lee James vs. Donna Bryan
7163 2009-01-09 Billy Blanks, Jr., an individual, Sharon Catherine Blanks, an individual, and Cardioke, Inc., a California corporation vs. Anthony P. Riccio, an individual
8774 2009-01-09 Dwight Yoakam vs. The Fitzgerald Hartley Co., a Tennessee corporation, and Gary Ebbins
9223 2009-03-02 Jill Winterbottom Demko, Roberto Ezzevalli, Walter Lee, Kaz Mayeda, Duff Moses, William Perry, and Jerry Vivit v. Craig Kokesh, an individual
8521 2009-04-07 Jennifer Shelton-Frates v. Conan Carroll, individual, Conan Carroll & Associates
10306 2009-05-29 David Andrew Sojka vs. Nouveau Model and Talent Management, Inc.
11320 2009-05-29 Glenn Kauffman vs. Nouveau Model and Talent Management, Inc.
12350 2009-05-29 Marikka Dargel vs. Nouveau Model and Talent Management, Inc.
7306 2009-06-16 Brian Transeau v. 3 Artist Management
9601 2009-07-27 Alyssa Nobriga v. Nouveau Model and Talent Management, Inc.
12173 2009-08-15 Lori Rybus, GAL for Minor, Christopher Rybus vs. Jody Edwards, dba Superior Talent Agency
10393 2009-08-20 The Brogan Agency vs. Denyce Lawton
11313 2009-08-24 Dex Dare v. Nouveau Model and Talent Management, Inc.
10367 2009-08-31 Robert Steven Longmuir vs. Advance Los Angeles
10296 2010-04-07 Robert Harriell & Red Chair on a Green Hill, LLC vs. Natalie Chase & Red Artist Management, LLC
14198 2010-04-07 Shazia Ali aka Shazia Dean vs. Nouveau Model and Talent Management, Inc.
11532 2010-06-23 Bridget Van Auken vs. Elaine Parker, an individual dba Rage Models
9248 2010-07-28 Enrique Renaldo v. Baron Entertainment, Inc., a California corporation
17129 2011-02-16 Scott Montoya; Payaso Entertainment Inc. vs. David Shapira & Associates
12728 2011-03-04 Paradigm Talent vs. Charles Carroll, an individual, and Kayenta Production
10192 2011-05-10 James Mark Burnett, etc., et al. vs. Conrad Griggs, an individual, Cloudbreak Entertainment, Inc.
20338 2011-07-29 Jennifer Gittings vs. Sky Talent, etc., et al.
17277 2011-11-17 Kyle Bluff, et al. vs. Paris Djon, an individual dba RockWorx Entetainment
21759 2011-11-22 Bruce K. Campbell vs. Sylvia Ferguson & Associates
21608 2012-02-08 Adam Abaunza vs. Sylvia Ferguson & Associates, Talent & Literary Agency
15652 2012-02-24 Tony Plana, an individual and Gacela, Inc. vs. Tracy Quinn, an individual; Quinn Management
13418 2012-03-29 Josh Todd vs. Todd A. Meagher, Todd Entertainment, LLC, et al.
19800 2012-03-29 Kesha Rose Sebert pka Ke$ha vs. DAS Communications, LTD.
24564 2012-06-12 Alexandra Paul vs. Christopher Nassif & Diverse Talent Group
25935 2012-06-12 Rowena Zirbel vs. Diverse Talent Group, Inc.
26206 2012-08-06 Jennifer Dimase, on behalf of minor, Charlotte Dimase vs. Jet Set Enterprises, LLC, et al.
26207 2012-08-06 Jennifer Dimase, on behalf of minor, James Dimase vs. Jet Set Enterprises, LLC, et al.
26527 2012-08-06 Aidan Hudson McMillan, a minor, Tiffany Hudson, etc. vs. Jet Set World, LLC, etc., et al.
24039 2012-08-21 Edrickcan LaQuan Loox vs. Rodney Chester dba Trio Talent Agency
20337 2012-09-11 Alex Mackey vs. LA Models, Inc. aka L.A. Models
22711 2012-09-11 Michael Nuttal vs. Bobby Juarez
23725 2012-09-11 Evette Washington vs. Diverse Talent Group, Inc.
16396 2012-10-01 Tommy Lee Jones, an individual, Javelina Film Company vs. William Morris Agency and William
24037 2012-10-02 Scott Devine vs. Diverse Talent Group, Inc.
26365 2012-10-02 Jennifer Lipscomb for Minor Donovan Lipscomb vs. Jet Set World, LLC; Jet Set Enterprises, LLC
27708 2012-10-02 Shannon S. Botts for David Botts, a minor vs. Jet Set World, LLC; Jet Set Enterprises, LLC
3351 2012-10-31 Duane "Dog" Chapman and Alice Barmore-Smith vs. Boris Krutonog; Pivot Point Entertainment, LLC
26936 2012-11-27 Krishna and Set Jaret for Harmony Jaret, minor v. Jet Set World, LLC, Jet Set Enterprises, LLC, Jet Set World, LLC
27434 2012-11-27 Patricia Candido for Noah Devlin, minor v. Jet Set Models, Jet Set Babies, Enterprises, LLC
26936 2012-11-28 Harmony Jaret v Jet Set Agency
27434 2012-11-28 Candido-Devlin v Jet Set Models
26684 2013-01-25 Michael Massei v Brass Artists
23748 2013-01-29 Miguel Borunda v Diverse Talent Group
24718 2013-01-29 Frank Collison v Diverse Talent Group
26301 2013-02-26 Jake Franano vs Jet Set
27706 2013-02-26 Sherri Jackman v. Jet Set
28574 2013-02-26 Ortiz-Pedersen v Jet Set World
13509-12 2013-02-26 Funke v Penelope dba Finesse Model Mgmt
13510-12 2013-02-26 Banks v Penelope dba Finesse Model
14621-12 2013-02-26 Ramos v Penelope dba Finesse Model
13643-12 2013-02-26 Bagirian v Penelope dba Finesse Model
23765 2013-03-17 Daniel Lee V Diverse Talent Group
23297 2013-07-24 Michael Grecco vs Blur Photo LLC
28573 2013-07-26 Summer Ortiz for Sienna Pedersen vs Jet Set
28574 2013-07-26 Summer Ortiz for Ebin Pedersen vs Jet Set
115791 2013-08-13 Amended Mavrick Artists v Dawn Robinson
23007 2013-08-20 Jenni Rivera (estate) vs Gabriel Vasquez
23007 2013-08-20 Dolores Rivera v G Vasquez Talento Universal
24166 2013-09-10 Babson v Diverse Talent
27089 2013-09-30 M Solis v Blancarte 
27707 2014-08-01 M Lessa v Filmtrix
28811 2014-08-06 Lindsey et all v Marie Music Group
29364 2014-08-17 Aylya Marzolf v Lynn Venturella
31982 2015-01-28 T Pitzel v Sha Lin Talent
22074 2015-02-10 Vicki Roberts v Engelbery Humperdinck
29080 2015-02-15 J Anderson v Network Intl Model
30114 2015-02-18 Zelina v Pinkerton Model
36931 2015-05-04 Abrams v Pinkerton
33688 2015-05-04 Meier v Pinkerton
33185 2015-05-04 Murgel v Pinkerton
31732 2015-05-04 R Clark v Pinkerton
31147 2015-07-01 Expecting Models v Schifino
26372 2015-07-01 Branca McClain v Tohme
36367 2015-07-31 Mohamed v Pinkerton
33896 2015-10-01 AKA Talent Agency vs. Jamison Reeves
36595 2016-02-08 Cargle v. Howard Talent
11319-12 2016-02-23 Hoover v Penelope dba Finess Model
39248 2016-04-13 Ralph v Trio Talent Agy
29923 2016-06-29 Schulman vs Anderson 
37001 2016-07-16 Bell, Bivens, Devoe Grill v R. Tresvant, New Edition
30631 2016-10-03 Adolfo Alvarez v Tiffany Atwood RPM
38423 2016-11-18 Viver Brasil Dance v Divine Rhythym Prod
41756 2016-12-08 Dokoza v Lenhoff Enterprises
39188 2017-01-24 Direct Models, Inc. v Raven Rocket
41987 2017-03-20 TURTLE ROCK STUDIOS v Digital Dev't
36861 2017-03-22 Gibson v Dorfman
41839 2017-03-24 Borcia v Garson Lester
42950 2017-03-24 Menefee v Octagon Inc.
34757 2017-03-24 Conrad v Hassas
13172 2017-03-30 Adler v. Lobel
39547 2017-04-04 Doughty v. Hess
29525 2017-06-07 Mavrick Artists Agency, Inc. v Brian Lee
27195 2017-08-29 Stefan Gordy v. Rene McClean
24469 2017-09-18 ICM Partners v. James Bates
45358 2017-11-03 Tiller v. Dorn 
43106 2018-05-18 Katina v. Buckley
46430 2018-05-24 Goldsmith v. Klein et al.
45605 2018-06-22 Podwall v. Robinson
50502 2018-07-05 Cappucci v. Lovestone Talent Agency, LLC et al.
46082 2018-09-27 World Class Sports v. Tanaka
16243 2018-10-08 Johnson v. Healey et al.
46165 2018-10-08 Hall v. Stepanek et al.
44366 2018-10-08 Sports Unlimited Talent Agency, Inc. v. Brown
50639 2018-10-16 Szarko v. Direct Models, Inc.
47191 2018-10-18 The Gersh Agency, Inc. v. Hughley et al.
47367 2018-11-19 Patchett v. DLM LA, Inc.; DLMUS, LLC
49575 2018-10-17 Runkle v. Pinkerton Model & Talent Co. et al.
48086 2018-12-11 Beaudoin v. Macalpin et al.
49576 2019-02-19 Paregien v. Eleven Talent Agency
28510 2019-04-03 Hall v. Gray et al.
47628 2019-05-07 Zhikai Feng v. Eiger Agency LLC
52680 2019-06-14 Andrea Martina Isenschmid v. Body Parts Models, Inc.
52516 2019-08-28 Michael John Lane v. FACE dba ATM Anchor Talent Management
52696 2019-08-28 Beverlee Bailey v. Jordan McKirahan dba Jordan McKirahan Talent Agency
52546 2019-09-27 John Steven dba Matrix Models v. Alexandra Cavedi aka Alex Grey
52672 2019-11-09 Lisa Renee Contreras v. Rodney Chester dba Trio Talent Agency
52725 2019-11-18 Kelly Langtim v. Jordan McKirahan dba Jordan McKirahan Talent Agency
52705 2019-11-27 Victor Shaw v. Jordan McKirahan dba Jordan McKirahan Talent Agency
44857 2020-01-10 Christopher Warren, Jr. and Brook Kerr v. Christopher Warren, Sr. and The W Management
49069 2020-01-10 Martin Moyeda dba Sound Music Records v. Jesus Ojeda aka Jesus Ojeda Camarena
52739 2019-01-10 Erica Burns v. Jordan McKirahan dna Jordan McKirahan Talent Agency
52671 2020-01-17 Daniel A. Green v. Christina Scott aka Christina Walker
52660 2020-01-27 Sofia Gonzalez v. JMTA Talent Agency
43105 2020-02-12 Rian Johnson v. Brian Dreyfuss and Featured Artists Agency
51594 2020-02-12 Rachel Watt v. Nouveau Model & Talent Mgmt., Inc. and Peter Hamm
48374 2020-03-30 Jacques Webster pka Travis Scott v. LCAR Management LLC
52723 2020-04-28 Corey Alan Campbell v. NEXT Management, LLC
47847 2020-05-26 International Creative Management Partners LLC dba ICM Partners v. Corey Holcomb and Bayman Productions, Inc.
52663/52670 2020-06-15 Jane Does 1-5 v. Derek Hay and Direct Models, Inc. dba LA Direct Models
52678 2020-08-14 Eric McGee, Jr. v. The Brogan Agency, LLC and Shawn Brogan
51034 2020-10-21 Christopher Hollier v. Paul Landau; Estate of Susan Landau; and Thompson Street Entertainment
52673 2020-11-16 International Creative Management Partners LLC dba ICM Partners v. Celine Dion and CDA Productions (Las Vegas), Inc.
52732 2021-01-04 Gregalan Williams aka Greg Alan Williams and Travis Entertainment v. Gregg Edwads Perrie dba Gregg Edwards Management
52754 2021-03-15 Jennifer Edison v. Body Parts Models, Inc.
50209 2021-04-19 Creative Artists Agency, LLC v. Vagrant, Inc.
52769 2021-04-19 Jessica Meuse v. L.A. Entertainment, Inc. and Jim Ervin
52674 2021-05-10 Oladapo Torimiro v. Anne L. Roberts
52681 2021-05-10 Echo Lake Management, LLC v. Meg Deloatch
52726 2021-05-18 The Gersh Agency, Inc. v. Red Grant
52727 2021-07-27 The Gersh Agency, Inc. v. Langston Faizon Santisima p/k/a "Faizon Love" and Assembly Robot, Inc.
52475 2021-10-19 Mercado v. Central Artists et al.
52764/52829 2022-01-18 Direct Models v. Baggott; Doe v. Hay et al.
52785 2022-03-30 Alsina v. Pacific Talent & Models
52776 2022-04-28 Goldstein v. Lowe & Co. et al.
52756 2023-01-09 Beaty v. Anthony Aiello et al.
52862 2023-02-17 Salazar v. Pardoe et al.
52850 2023-03-09 Lemon Lime Agency v. Barrett
52851 2023-03-09 Lemon Lime Agency v. Brooks
52833 2023-07-20 Shapira v. Kove et al.
52842 2023-08-11 Seavy et al. v. Signature Entertainment et al.
48745 2023-10-25 Innovative Artists Broadcast Division et al. v. Tantaros et al.
52781 2023-11-21 Clarkson et al. v. Starstruck Management Group, LLC et al.
52904 2024-03-08 Gougis v. BBA Talent Inc.
52897 2024-03-08 Heider v. BBA Talent Inc.
52887 2024-04-30 Doshi v. Twice Baked Media decision
52836 2024-05-08 Bostanian v. Rao
52852 2024-05-08 Benjamin Burnley v. Kovac
52743 2024-05-29 Cook v. Meyers
52869 2024-06-07 Mannequin v. Cipollo
52867 2024-08-01 Creative Artists Agency, LLC v. Steele et al.
52876 2024-08-20 Stage v. Unruly Agency
52839 2024-08-29 Cameron et al. v. Silverman
52906 2024-09-06 Linett v. Parker
52728 2024-10-01 Ortiz et al. v. Del Entertainment et al.
52818 (consolidated with 52819, 52820, 52821, 52822, 52823, 52824, 52825, 52826, 52827) 2024-11-20 Tataryn et al. v. Scherer et al.
52848 2024-12-30 O’Brien v. Marie et al.

December 2024