Industrial Homeworkers

"Industrial homework" is the manufacturing at home of goods for an employer that are not for the personal use of the employer or a member of his or her family.

Making any of the following is unlawful, and no license or permit will be issued to authorize doing so: food or drink or goods used in connection with serving them; clothing; toys and dolls; tobacco; drugs and poisons; bandages and other sanitary goods; explosives, fireworks, and similar items; goods that are harmful to the health or welfare of those who make them or that would make it unreasonably difficult to maintain or enforce existing labor standards. (For more information, see Labor Code sections 2658, 2659, 2660, and 2661.)

To apply for a license or permit, download:

You can also obtain application or renewal form by email (be sure to specify whether you need form DLSE 123 for a license or form 48 for a permit) at

Or by contacting:

Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Licensing and Registration Unit
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1902
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 285-3399
Fax: (510) 286-1366

After you complete the application, please send it to this address.


July 2019