Apprenticeship program information - search results detail

Data is current as of 03/31/2025

Trade or occupation: Fire Fighter I I
Program length: 36 months
Starting wage: Varies by department
Minimum age: 18
Education prerequisites: High School/Ged/Equivalent
Additional prerequisites: Pass written exam, physical dexterity test, oral interview
Physical requirements: Yes
Exams: Written Test: Yes    Oral Exam: Yes
Additional requirements: To be a successful firefighter, a candidate must be both physically and mentally fit, and must have the ability to function as a team player.
Contact information: California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee
1780 Creekside Oaks Drive #201  
Sacramento, CA  95833
Contact person: Yvonne De La Pena, Director
Contact phone / e-mail: (916) 648-1717  
Applications taken: Continuous
List Type: Seek Hiring Employer
Veteran Benefits Approved: No
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