DIR/CHSWC Young Workers' Program: California Partnership for Young Worker Health and Safety
May - Safe Jobs for Youth Month |
The California Partnership for Young Worker Health and Safety is a statewide task force that brings together government agencies and statewide organizations representing educators, employers, parents, job trainers and others. The partnership develops and promotes strategies to protect youth at work and serves as an advisory group.
Partnership agencies and organizations include:
- California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR)
- California Association of Work Experience Educators (CAWEE)
- California Center for Civic Participation
- California Department of Education
- California Department of Public Health (CDPH-OHB)
- California Industrial Hygiene Council (CIHC)
- California Federation of Teachers (CFT)
- California Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
- California Teachers Association (CTA)
- California Workforce Association (CWA)
- ehs International, Inc.
- Employment Development Department (EDD)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Reaching At Promise Students Association (RAPSA)
- SIATech
- State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF)
- UC Berkeley Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP)
- UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program (LOSH)
- United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 5
- U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
- WorkAbility Program
- Worksafe
The Young Worker Resource Centers in California provide training, educational materials, technical assistance and information and referrals to help educate youth, employers and the broader community on occupational health and safety and rights and responsibilities, and to protect young workers.
Youngworkers.org is a website with state and national scope with information for teens, parents, teachers, job educators, employers, parents and others.
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