Cal/OSHA logo Heat Illness Prevention etool

Heat Illness Prevention eTool for Outdoor Workplaces

This eTool Contains:

  • Real world examples of Heat Illness
  • Cal/OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention Regulation
  • General information on Heat Illness
  • An explanation of the causes of Heat Illness
  • Information on employer's Heat Illness Prevention Plan
  • Information on Preventing and Responding to Heat Illness including:
    • Effective Communication
    • Elements of Your Written Program and Effective Work Practices
      For each element the information given includes:
      • What is required in T8 CCR Section 3395?
      • Guidance on heat illness prevention
      • Best Practices to prevent, recognize, and respond to Heat Illness by putting into place
        an effective Heat Illness Prevention Program
      • Warning symbol Warning to alert you to high risk situations when working under heat conditions
  • Employer Sample Procedures for Heat Illness Prevention
  • Cal/OSHA and other resources on Heat Illness

For an outline of the information in this etool see Site Map.

Heat Illness Prevention Plan

The employer must develop, put in writing, and implement effective procedures for complying with the requirements of T8 CCR Section 3395. The Heat Illness Prevention Plan includes the following:

  • Procedures for providing sufficient water
  • Procedures for providing access to shade
  • High-heat procedures
  • Emergency response procedures
  • Acclimatization methods and procedures

The Heat Illness Prevention Plan must be written both in English and in the language understood by the majority of employees. It must be available to employees at the worksite, as well as to representatives of Cal/OSHA upon request. It may be integrated into the employer's Injury and Illness Prevention Program.

Elements of Your Written Program and Effective Work Practices



The information in this etool is not meant to be a substitute for or a legal interpretation of the occupational safety and health standards. Please see the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, or the Labor Code for detailed and exact information, specifications, and exceptions.

The mention of any organization or company name, or the display or use of particular products in this e-tool is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Industrial Relations.

April 2018