(1) Any individual or organization that desires to become a course provider and satisfies the requirements of this article may apply to the Division for approval of an asbestos training course. The course provider shall complete a separate application for each training course for which approval is being sought using the following forms which are hereby incorporated by reference: Worker initial course, Form W-I 8/28/98; Contractor/Supervisor initial course, Form CS-I 8/28/98; Building Inspector initial course, Form BI-I 8/28/98; Project Designer initial course, Form PD-I 8/28/98; Management Planner initial course, Form MP-I 8/28/98; Construction Craft Worker initial course, Form CCW-I 8/28/98; Worker refresher course, Form W-R 8/28/98; Contractor/Supervisor refresher course, Form CS-R 8/28/98; Building Inspector refresher course, Form BI-R 8/28/98; Project Designer refresher course, Form PD-R 8/28/98; Management Planner refresher course, Form MP-R 8/28/98; Construction Craft Worker refresher course, Form CCW-R 8/28/98. Requests for application information and completed applications shall be sent to: