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Subchapter 5. Electrical Safety Orders
Group 1. Low-Voltage Electrical Safety Orders
Article 56. Motors, Motor Circuits and Controllers
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§2530.81. General.


This Section, "Motor Controllers," is intended to require suitable controllers for all motors.

(a) Definition. For definition of "Controller," see Article 1. For the purpose of this Article, the term "Controller" includes any switch or device normally used to start and stop a motor.

(b) Stationary Motor of 1/8 Horsepower or Less. For a stationary motor rated at 1/8 horsepower or less that is normally left running and is so constructed that it cannot be damaged by overload or failure to start, such as clock motors and the like, the branch circuit protective device shall be permitted to serve as the controller.

(c) Portable Motor of 1/3 Horsepower or Less. For a portable motor rated at 1/3 horsepower or less, the controller shall be permitted to be an attachment plug and receptacle.

(Title 24, Part 3, Section 430-81.)

NOTE: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code; and Section 18943(c), Health and Safety Code.


1. Editorial correction filed 11-2-83 (Register 83, No. 45).

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