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Subchapter 13. Logging and Sawmill Safety Orders
Article 17. Lath, Shingle, and Shake Mills
§6402. Bolters and Lath Machines, Appendix A
Safe Practices For Helicopters
Do not
approach or leave a helicopter while its engines are running unless the
pilot or designee signals that it is safe to do so. Approach and leave the
helicopter on a level with the craft or on a lower level, never from or to
ground higher than that of the helicopter. Carry all materials to or from
the helicopter in a horizontal position, not above waist level.
Do not place explosives, flammables, corrosives, or
other dangerous materials on board any aircraft without the pilot's
knowledge. Do not smoke within 50 feet of the helicopter, fuel storage, or
fueling operation. Turn off the radio transmitter when in the vicinity of
explosives or an explosive-loading operation.
Notify the person in
charge of the project when you erect a suspended line, tower, or other
navigational hazard. Know the escape procedure at each operation site.
Always watch the helicopter, sling load, hook, or bottom end of the cable
to avoid being hit. Listen to and be familiar with the normal sounds
emitted by the helicopter in flight so that you will have the earliest
notice of trouble and can avoid dangerous exposure.
transported by helicopter shall obey the following:
(1) Board and depart only on instructions from the
(2) Use seat belts during take-off, flight,
and landing.
(3) Remain seated during the time
(4) Do not smoke unless
permitted by the pilot.
(5) Do not talk
unnecessarily to the pilot.
(6) Watch for other
airborne aircraft and navigational hazards, and call them to the attention
of the pilot.
Helicopter Hand Signals
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