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Subchapter 6. Elevator Safety Orders
Article 1. Application
(a) Where Applicable. The Elevator Safety Orders are applicable to elevators in the State of California except:
(1) Elevators under the jurisdiction of the United States government.
(2) Elevators located in a single-unit private home and not accessible to the public. (3) Elevators located in a multiunit residential building serving no more than two dwelling units and not accessible to the public.
EXCEPTION TO (a)(3): See section 3001(b)(5).
Note: Unless otherwise designated in this subchapter, the term “division” refers to the current Division of Occupational Safety and Health or any of its predecessors including the former Division of Industrial Safety or the Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Reference to the former Division of Industrial Safety or Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration in these orders is meant to refer to their successor, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, or any subsequent successor agency.
(Title 24, Part 7, Section 7-3000(a))
(b) Use and Precedence of Orders.
(1) When ASME A17.1-1996 is cited or incorporated by reference in these Orders, it shall mean the 1996 edition of ASME A17.1, and shall be referred as ASME A17.1-1996, unless otherwise indicated.
(2) The Elevator Safety Orders shall apply if any difference exists between the Elevator Safety Orders and ASME A17.1-1996; or any other code, document or standard referenced in ASME A17.1-1996. Where a specific provision varies from a general provision, the specific provision shall apply.
(3) If a section in the Elevator Safety Orders makes a cross-reference to a section, rule or table in ASME A17.1-1996, such cross-referencing shall be that which is shown in ASME A17.1-1996 unless the referenced section, rule or table has been amended in the Elevator Safety Orders.
(4) If a section, rule, or table in ASME A17.1-1996 makes a cross-reference to another section, rule or table in ASME A17.1-1996, such cross-referencing shall be that which is shown in ASME A17.1-1996 unless the referenced section, rule or table has been amended in the Elevator Safety Orders.
(Title 24, Part 7, Section 7-3000(b))
(c) Devices Included. The devices covered by the regulations of the Elevator Safety Orders are included under the term “elevator” as used in the Labor Code. These orders apply to the following:
(1) Power-cable driven passenger and freight elevators covered by regulations of Articles 7, 8, 20, and 21.
(2) Hydraulic passenger and freight elevators covered by regulations of Articles 9 and 22.
(3) Power and hand sidewalk elevators covered by regulations of Articles 10 and 23.
(4) Hand passenger and freight elevators covered by regulations of Articles 11 and 24.
(5) Power and hand dumbwaiters covered by regulations of Articles 12 and 25.
(6) Material lifts and dumbwaiters with automatic transfer devices covered by regulations of Articles 12.1 and 31.
(7) Inclined elevators covered by regulations of Articles 12.2 and 34.
(8) Escalators covered by regulations of Articles 13 and 26.
(9) Moving walks covered by regulations of Articles 14 and 27.
(10) Hand power man platforms covered by regulations of Article 16.
(11) Manlifts covered by regulations of Article 17.
(12) Screw-driven passenger and freight elevators covered by the regulations of Articles 12.6 and 35.
(13) Vertical or inclined reciprocating conveyors covered by regulations of Article 12.5.
(14) Special access lifts covered by regulations of Articles 15 and 36.
(15) Special-purpose personnel elevators covered by regulations of Article 12.3.
(16) Special-purpose elevators covered by regulations of Article 32.
(d) Devices Excluded. These orders do not apply to the following:
(1) Belt, bucket, scoop, roller, or similar inclined or vertical conveyors, or other types of automated conveyor systems. See Section 3000(c)(13).
(2) Tiering or piling machines, sometimes called stackers, used for loading or stacking material.
(3) Equipment for feeding or positioning materials at machine tools, printing presses, etc.
(4) Hoists for raising and lowering materials and which are provided with unguided hooks, slings, and similar means for attachments to the materials.
(5) Skip or furnace hoists.
(6) Wharf ramps.
(7) Amusement devices.
(8) Stage and orchestra lifts.
(9) Lift bridges.
(10) Railroad car lifts or dumpers.
(11) Construction elevators as defined in section 7200 of the Labor Code.
(12) Mine hoists.
(13) Freight platform hoists with a travel of not more than 5 feet (1.52m).
(Title 24, Part 7, Section 7-3000(d))
(e) Devices Prohibited. The following type elevators are not allowed for new installations.
(1) Hatchway type elevator.
(2) Carriage type elevator.
(3) Auxiliary power elevator.
(4) Single belt elevator.
(5) Double belt elevator.
(6) Steam elevator.
(7) Gravity elevator.
(8) Platform elevator.
(9) Private residence elevators and inclined lifts as regulated in part V, ASME A17.1, except those allowed by article 15 and article 36.
(Title 24, part 7, Section 7-3000(e))
(f) Group III Installations. Devices listed in section 3000(c) that are:
(1) Erected from plans or contracts completed, and for which the notice of intention to install is filed with the Division, on or after October 25, 1998, but before May 1, 2008.
(2) Installations that have been operating previous to October 25, 1998 without the required inspection or permit to operate.
(3) Devices that are moved to a new location on or after October 25, 1998, but before May 1, 2008. Note: Regulations for Group III installations are in Group III.
(g) Group II Installations. Devices listed in section 3000(c) that are:
(1) Devices which have been inspected by the Division and to which a serial number has been assigned.
(2) Devices for which erection was begun before October 25, 1998 and for which the notice of intent to install is not required.
(3) Devices erected from plans or contracts completed, and for which the notice of intent to install is filed with the Division, before October 25, 1998. Note: Regulations for Group II installations are in Group II.
(h) Alterations, Repairs, Replacements, and Maintenance of Devices.
(1) Alterations, repairs, replacements, and maintenance of devices listed in section 3000(c) shall comply with Part XII of ASME A17.1-1996; except for Rule 1200.1, Rule 1206.10, section 1214, section 1215, section 1216, and section 1217; which is hereby incorporated by reference.
(2) Alterations made after May 1, 2008 on Group II and Group III devices listed in section 3000(c) shall comply with the applicable provisions of section 3141.2 in Group IV.
1. Repealer and new subsections (b) and (d)(12) and amendment of subsection (h)(5)(B) filed 6-23-77; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 26). For prior history, see Registers 70, No. 12; 75, No. 25; 76, No. 22 and 76, No. 31.
2. Amendment of subsection (a) filed 7-6-79 as procedural and organizational; effective upon filing (Register 79, No. 27).
3. Amendment of subsections (b) and (c) filed 9-29-82; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 82, No. 40).
4. Amendment of subsections (b) and (d) filed 8-11-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 36).
5. Editorial correction of 8-11-83 order filed 8-25-83; designated effective 9-10-83 (Register 83, No. 36).
6. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 7-22-86; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 86, No. 36).
10. Amendment of subsection (b)(12), new subsection (b)(13) and amendment of subsection (c)(1) filed 12-19-94; operative 1-18-95 (Register 94, No. 51).
11. New group I heading and amendment of section and Note filed 9-25-98; operative 10-25-98 (Register 98, No. 39).
12. Amendment of subsection (a), repealer of subsection (a) -Note 1 and Note 2 designator, and amendment of subsection (a) -Exception filed 8-29-2001; operative 9-28-2001 (Register 2001, No. 35).
13. Amendment of group I subheading, amendment of subsections (c)(1)-(c)(14), new subsections (c)(15)-(16), amendment of subsections (f)-(g) and (g)(2)-(h), new subsections (h)(1)-(2) and amendment of Note filed 4-1-2008; operative 5-1-2008 (Register 2008, No. 14).